My Mac Computer Wont Let Me Download Anything

You can not with a mac unless you download bootcamp or vmware fusion with enables you to download and use windows or pc software. Can you download a nook book into a Mac? Hey im having the same problem. Dont know if you still are. But im about to call EA games cause i have some time to waste. Have given up downloading my store content in fear of messing up my playable game again:/. Ill tell you if i find anything out! Or incase someone else needs help.

Some Mac users say that they can't download programs from other website except Mac App Store, or they may can't be opened the download file. When they click on the download file, it says 'xxx can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer'. For example:

If you are facing this problem while you are downloading & installing DoYourData Software, you can follow these simple steps to solve this issue.

Step 1: Click 'Launchpad' --> Find 'System Preference', and Open it --> Click 'Security & Privacy'.

Step 2: Change the setting, enable your Mac can download from 'Anywhere'.

My Mac Computer Wont Let Me Download Anythingthing

If you have upgraded your Mac to macOS 10.12 Sierra or higher, you just click 'Open Anyway', like this:

My Mac Computer Wont Let Me Download Anything

My Mac Computer Wont Let Me Download Anything Please

Step 3: Re-download the software or re-open the download file on your Mac. Then install it on your Mac, you can follow this guide:

DoYourData Mac software are 100% safe and clean. If you have any question, feel free to contact us by sending an email to [email protected].

My Mac Doesn't Let Me Download Anything

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