How To Download Node Js On Mac Terminal

When installation is complete, open the Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering Terminal then pressing Enter. Enter node - v in the Terminal to verify that Node.js is installed correctly and to see the version of Node.js that was installed. Nats-MacBook-Pro:Webucator natdunn$ node. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to develop wide variety of applications like network applications, command line tools, web api, web applicationsIn this document, we will cover installation procedure of nodejs on mac operating systemPrerequisitesThis guide assumes that you are using mac os.

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Since node.js is the new cool kid on the block, I want to write a really short introduction how to install it on Mac OS X and start playing with it.
Exploring technologies is something I try to fit in my everyday, that’s why I’m choosing the verb playing. This little and quick guide is really more for everyone who has more experience with PHP than with ruby or python. I don’t even want to talk to you ruby on rails people, you know how all this stuff works, shoo!


Not only for node.js, but a powerful tool that every developer on Mac OS should have or have heard of: homebrew. So head on and install it, because it allows you to install node.js with one command (Terminal phobics, don’t worry, it’s short!) and gets you going on setting up your testing environment.

Getting node.js

To install node.js on your machine, you simply type:


That’s it. You watch a short process of download and build, which has not failed the couple of times I’ve tried it on both Mac OS 10.6 and 10.7, but don’t close that Terminal quite yet.

Running node.js

For running node.js you actually need to run a process in your shell or make something run the process for you. For now, we’ll stick to having the Terminal window open.
How to Node has a very comprehensive guide how to send output to a browser, by making node start an http server and listen for requests. Requests, as in every web capable programming language are important in node.js and you’ll be hearing a lot more about this request object in the future.

So what you don’t need to do is to define a directory, like you know from apache or lighttpd servers. You can create a node project in any folder on your system, go there in a Terminal window and run your .js file with node filename.js, followed by hitting ENTER.


Let’s say we wanted to use the hello world example, we’d shamelessly copy paste the code into our text editor and save it in a folder called nodetests. Now with the Terminal we type something like:

Now we have a running node server on the specified port, that will output Hello World on a specified address. You can see the output by pointing your browser to http://localhost:3000 and it should say: Hello World.

Going back to your editor and changing some lines will have absolutely no effect right now, because node does not check for file changes by default. So even if your file would now output `Hello Moon`, the node server still thinks that it should output `Hello World`, because it was that the last time it checked.

To prevent you from undergoing the horrible task of changing to your Terminal window, pressing

every time you make a change you want to preview, there actually is a way to skip that.

Using node-dev instead of node, automatically restarts your server, whenever it notices a file changed. That’s way cooler and feels a lot more like developing PHP suddenly. It’s not bad to feel a little at home when you start on frighteningly seeming complex stuff like node.js.

NPM: the node package manager

NPM is what apt is for debian or gem for ruby. It’s the universal tool for getting stuff and also packing stuff up in neat and reuseable modules.
Taking a look at the amazing list of modules available and also their own repository site, you will quickly understand why you will want to use it.
By simply typing

you’ll install an hmvc framework, make it available for your project and also have the frameworks own tools for debugging, running servers or similar at hand.

Node.js community

I have not personally met anyone who actually has developed with node, but I’ve recently infected another developer with it.
Although I have joined the IRC channel, because I was stuck on some typical node.js beginner issues like correct use of callbacks and understanding how to prevent node.js from spawing 84 processes on resizing 18.8MP images with the imagemagick module. If you don’t watch out, you’re going to do more stuff parallel than you actually intend to and definitely more than your Mac Book Pro can handle without crashing (seriously).
Especially spion helped me and actually restructured some of my code for my understanding, which was pretty amazing of him, also looking at the things he actually has published. Kudos to him.

Thank you for reading! If you have any comments, additions or questions, please leave them in the form below! You can also tweet them at me

How To Download Node Js On Mac Terminal File

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Node.js is required for using many JavaScript tools and for creating server-side JavaScript applications. Here is how you install Node.js on a Mac.

The first thing you should do is check to see if you have a version of Node.js already installed. To do that:

  1. Open the Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering Terminal then pressing Enter.
  2. Enter node - v in the Terminal and press Enter.
  3. If you do have Node.js installed, it will output the version.
    1. Update to the latest version using npm i -g npm. If you get a bunch of checkPermissions warnings, you should run the command as the superuser like this: sudo npm i -g npm
    2. You now have the latest version installed. You do not need to continue with these instructions.
  4. If you do not have Node.js installed, it will output something like -bash: node: command not found. Continue with these instructions to install it.
  5. Go to You'll see download links for MacOS. If you are using Node.js for a Webucator class, you should select the LTS version. The Current version has the latest features, but may be more prone to changes and bugs than the LTS (Long Term Support) version.
  6. When the file finishes downloading, locate it in Finder and double-click on it.
  7. Go through the entire installation process.
  8. When installation is complete, open the Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering Terminal then pressing Enter.
  9. Enter node - v in the Terminal to verify that Node.js is installed correctly and to see the version of Node.js that was installed.

Install Node Js On Mac

If a version was output, then you're all set.